Villages in Spain to repopulate: housing aid for young people.

In Spain, villages and rural areas have been suffering for years from a gradual depopulation problem that threatens to condemn them to abandonment and empty their streets and houses.

Many municipalities are at risk of depopulation, around 40%. To try to find a solution to this problem, various actions have been implemented over the years and aid and benefits are being offered to repopulate the villages. In this article, we show you the aid aimed at young people to live in rural areas.

According to a recent study by the Centre for Demographic Studies of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, more than 4,000 municipalities are facing depopulation problems, of which 1,840 have been considered at risk of irreversible depopulation, which could lead to their extinction.

These villages, characterised by an average of 110 inhabitants, low population densities and an average age of around 60, have lost a significant number of inhabitants in recent years. Strategies to attract young people to rural areas, to settle down and create thriving businesses are therefore essential.

To combat depopulation, grants totalling 16.2 million euros have been devised for depopulated Spain for local authorities. In addition, the Ministry earmarked 1.2 million euros in aid for non-profit organisations and 2.6 million euros to boost economic activity and support rural entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on women and young entrepreneurs.

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Friday May 17 12:00 pm

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